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J. Abdallah et al.,
Searches for supersymmetric particles in collisions up to
208 GeV, and interpretation of the results within the MSSM
DELPHI-2002/027 CONF 561, 5 July 2002
( ps.gz,
ps )
J. Abdallah et al.,
Searches for supersymmetric particles in collisions up to
208 GeV, and interpretation of the results within the MSSM
DELPHI-2001/085 CONF 513, 25 June 2002
( ps.gz,
ps )
A. Benvenuti, M. Boldini, V. Cafaro, V. Giordano, L. Maselli,
C. Montanari, T. Rovelli,
High Voltage Test of the Cathode Pre Production for the
CMS Drift Tube Chambers
CMS IN-2001/006, August 10, 2000
( ps,
R. Alemany, C. Garcia, S. Paiano, A. Perrotta, T. Rovelli, U. Schwickerath,
Search for charginos nearly mass-degenerate with the lightest neutralino at
DELPHI-2000/081 OSAKA CONF 380, 3 July 2000
( ps.gz,
ps )
S. Paiano, A. Perrotta, T. Rovelli,
Search for charginos nearly mass-degenerate with the lighest
neutralino at
DELPHI-2000/017 CONF 338, 3 March 2000
( ps.gz,
ps )
A. Gresele, T. Rovelli,
Parametrization of B Field Effects in DTBx
CMS NOTE-1999/064, September 27, 1999
( ps,
D. Leone, F. L. Navarria, T. Rovelli,
Versione interattiva dell'eserciziario in rete
DFUB99-10, June 18, 1999
( ps,
doc )
S. Bertolazzi, D. Leone, F. L. Navarria, T. Rovelli,
R. Veraldi,
The impact of new software technologies on education
in physics
UB20.11, American Physical Society Centennial
Meeting Program, March 20-26, 1999, Atlanta, GA
abstract )
S. Paiano, A. Perrotta, T. Rovelli,
Update of the search for charginos nearly mass-degenerate with the lightest neutralino using 189 GeV data
DELPHI NOTE-99/34 CONF 233, March 12, 1999
( ps.gz,
ps )
F. Fabbri, D. Leone, F. L. Navarria, T. Rovelli,
Eserciziario in rete per un corso di fisica
DFUB98-25, December 2, 1998
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doc )
A. Perrotta, T. Rovelli and N. Tinti,
Search for SUSY decays of the W
DELPHI NOTE-1998/166, November 10, 1998
( ps,
ps.gz )
M. Aguilar et al.,
Performance and Mechanical Tolerances Achieved with a Full Size
Prototype of a CMS Barrel Muon Drift Tubes Chamber
CMS NOTE-1998/064, October 15, 1998
( ps,
ps.gz )
P. Capiluppi et al.,
Porting of the CERN-NICE infrastructure for PC management and
support to an university environment
Proceedings from CHEP '98, August 31 - September 4, 1998,
Chicago, Illinois, USA
( ps)
T. Rovelli,
Simulation of the DTBx Drift Cell with an Improved Software
CMS NOTE-1998/051, July 28, 1998
( ps,
ps.gz )
S. Paiano, A. Perrotta, T. Rovelli, R. Alemany, C. Garcia,
Search for Charginos mass-degenerate with the
lightest Neutralino
DELPHI 98-74 CONF 142, June 22, 1998. Vancouver, 22-29 July 1998
( ps.gz )
S. Paiano, A. Perrotta, T. Rovelli,
Update of the search for charginos mass-degenerate with the
lightest neutralino in radiative events
DELPHI 98-38 CONF 128, April 24, 1998
( ps.gz )
T. Rovelli, Simulazione di camere a deriva
SIF Congress, Como, October 1997
C. Lacasta, F.L.Navarria, S. Navas, S. Paiano, A. Perrotta, P. Rebecchi,
T. Rovelli, M. Verardi,
Search for charginos mass-degenerate with the LSP
DELPHI 97-90 CONF 76, July 20, 1997, HEP'97 Conference Jerusalem,
August 19-26
(ps.gz )
S. Paiano, A. Perrotta, T. Rovelli, M. Verardi,
Search for SUSY particles mass-degenerate with the LSP at LEP2
DELPHI 97-33 PHYS 686, April 7, 1997
( ps.gz )
P. Capiluppi and T. Rovelli (CMS - INFN Bologna),
Windows NT, prime esperienze
I Workshop INFN sul Software e Calcolo moderno, Napoli, 6-7
Febbraio 1997
( PS,
G. Bagliesi, L. Barone, P. Capiluppi, S. Costa, U. Gasparini, E. Longo,
M. Loreti, T. Rovelli, D. Salomoni, L. Servoli and L. Silvestris
(CMS - Italy), The CMS Computing Model
CMS TN/96-071, May 27, 1996
( PS,
PS.Z )
M.C. Coperchio, M. Dönszelmann, P. Gunnarsson, F.L. Navarria and T.Rovelli,
A WWW Interactive Remote Event Display proposal
DFUB 96-9 Bologna Univ. Physics Dept., March 1, 1996
PS )
V.Bocci, A.Branco, J.Buytaert, S.Cairanti, V.Chorowicz,
F.Formenti, L.Gorn, M.Oesterle, U.Rossi, T.Rovelli, B.Schulze,
Z.Tomsa and G.Valenti, PAND2 Test results
DELPHI 96-16 DAS 172, February, 1996
C.Coperchio, F.L.Navarria and T.Rovelli,
La diffusione sulla Web, una applicazione didattica
SIF Congress, Perugia, October 1995
V.Bocci, A.Branco, J.Buytaert, F.Formenti, S.Gorn, U.Rossi,
T.Rovelli, B.Schulze, Z.Tomsa and G.Valenti,
The new DELPHI LTS-CB (Pandora)
SIF Congress, Perugia, October 1995
Simulation of the CMS Barrel Muon Chambers
CMS TN/95-106, June 2, 1995
( PS,
PS.Z )
T. Rovelli,
The EMU Messages Display Utility
DELPHI 93-30 DAS 142, March 24, 1993
M.Boldini et al., A system of proportional wire chambers for the
readout of the HPC calorimeter
SIF Congress, p.194, 1989
F.L. Navarria et al., First results with a high-granularity
lead-glass drift calorimeter
SIF Congress, p.92, 1989
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Tiziano Rovelli